Protocols can be switched off and on by defining macros before the line #include like here: Universal Pulse Distance Universal Pulse Width Hash ProntoīoseWave Bang & Olufsen Lego FAST Whynter MagiQuest NEC / Onkyo / Apple Denon / Sharp Panasonic / Kaseikyo
Quick comparison of 5 Arduino IR receiving libraries.Why do we use 30% duty cycle for sending.Hardware-PWM signal generation for sending.Incompatibilities to other libraries and Arduino commands like tone() and analogWrite().Modifying compile options with Sloeber IDE.Changing include (*.h) files with Arduino IDE.Compile options / macros for this library.How to deal with protocols not supported by IRremote.Increase strength of sent output signal.Does not work/compile with another library.Errors with using the 3.x versions for old tutorials.How to convert old MSB first 32 bit IR data codes to new LSB first 32 bit IR data codes.Converting your 2.x program to the 4.x version.A library enabling the sending & receiving of infra-red signals.